After London / Wild Queer Land is an open access learning and collaboration programme in queer nature and queer ecology, curated by Daniel Baker-Wells with Jasmine Isa Qureshi, Connor Butler, Roy Vickery, LiLi K. Bright, P. Eldridge, Sheree Mack, Tom Moulsdale, Scarlett Fay, Hackney Herbal, Stephen Moss, Phoenix Yemi, Elida Silvey, Edward Luke Thrush, Golda Dahan and some incredible volunteers, freelancers, zine contributors and advisors.  

After London (supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Heritage Lottery Fund) is an exploration of queer ecologies, natural heritage of wildernesses in Greater London. Wild Queer Land is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.  

With thanks to the invaluable support of Barnsley Civic, The Octagon Theatre & Westlands Entertainment Venue, Yeovil Diversity Project, Creative Recovery, Trans Barnsley,  South London Botanical Institute, Queer Croydon, London Wildlife Trust, Sutton House, Richard Jefferies Museum, Out of the Can, Peak Queer Adventures, Peak District National Park, and many others.

This webpage is a sketchpad / blog / pinboard of images from workshops, commissioned artworks and poetry, artwork and writing by participants, & recordings from our events.        PLEASE NOTE - WE ARE WORKING ON MAKING THIS WEBPAGE ACCESSIBLE

Red Admiral, Jenna Powell

Moss Drawing, Kimberley Dixon

You Are Bugs, Emiliano Bianchic

Hart Wort by Elida Silvey; with BSL performance translation by Golda Dahan

Lichen Drawing, LiLi K.Bright

Bluet (Narrow-winged Damselfly), Jenna Powell

what if the fish cannot swim, by LiLi K. Bright; with BSL performance translation by Golda Dahan

An Introduction to Queering Ecology with Jasmine Isa Qureshi and Yeovil Diversity Project

Moss Drawing, Matilda Dunn

Grey Wagtail, Nancy Parsons

Queer Nature Walk with Connor Butler, Coate Water Country Park and Richard Jefferies Museum

Leaf print, S.Rumsby

Bumble Bee on Scabious, Nancy Parsons

Wild Foraging Workshop with Hackney Herbal

The world outside of me, Raf

Nature Walk with Pete Bush and Creative Recovery at Langsett Reservoir

Wild Animals, Keiron le Vine

Turkey Tails, Ezra Heath

Jenna Powell

Laurustinus Viburnum (top) & evening clouds by Alex Young

Birdwatching with Stephen Moss and Yeovil Diversity Project

Bug Stamp, Tasha Spoor

Lichen Mosaic, Ezra Heath

Broken Body Worms by Jasmine Isa Qureshi; with BSL performance translation by Golda Dahan

Moss, SF Tair

Joint-toothed moss & Lichen (Parmelia), Daniel Baker-Wells

After London, Richard Jefferies: RJ Museum

Mallow, dock & wild grasses

Queer Ecologies Zine

Wild Herbs & Tea-Making Workshop with Hackney Herbal at Sutton House

Queer Nature Walk with Connor Butler, Coate Water Country Park and Richard Jefferies Museum

photographs (seeds), Helen Kilbride

Golden Shield Lichen, Yasmyn Nettle

Violet, from a forthcoming queer nature zine by Edward Luke Thrush

Queer Ecologies Zine Launch and Poetry Readings at Sutton House

drawing, Mayve Wind

Narrow-winged Damselfly on Burnet Saxifrage, Jenna Powell

Jelly Ear, El & Jan: Nature Queerdos

Moss drawing, Stephanie Pau

Hawthorn Flower

Nature Held Me Close, by Til

Birdwatching, Hannah Bottomley

Pressed elderflower

Wild Herbs & Tea-Making Workshop with Hackney Herbal at Sutton House

from UNKRAUT, Kane Stonestreet

Moss Drawing, Manjinder Sidhu

Beetle drawing, Nancy Parsons

Salad Burnet Flower, Ezra Heath

Wild Foraging Workshop with Hackney Herbal

Wild Animals, Keiron le Vine

Queer Botanical Drawing with Edward Luke Thrush, at South London Botanical Institute

Moss & Lichen Drawing, Rachel Alfred

Wild Animals, Keiron le Vine